Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Very Structured QnA With The Guv

I am truly amazed by Governor Palin's ability to deflect criticism then defer to her lackeys, any tough and subsantive questions. This press conference is a joke. In the words of Mr. Dan Fagan, "a dog and pony show".

Why is not one member of the press in attendance, not asking the Guv about an alleged quid pro quo with Senate President Gary Stevens and Speaker of the House Mike Chenault- regarding the resignation of AG Talis Colberg?

The ADN and KTUU have been casterated, in my opinion. Thank you for your transparency Gov. Palin. Good assist Billy McAllister.

If I Was There.....

Governor Palin...there are numerous anonymous sources within your staff who are saying that in return for your promise of NO VETOS on projects in their districts, Speaker Chenault and Sen. Pres. Stevens will stymie or stall any further investigations of your Administration by the Legislature.
Could you please elaborate on this and explain why a quid pro quo would be nessesary if the Petumenos Investigation supposedly exonerated you of any wrong-doing regarding "Troopergate"?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Come On In

...just a wee bit of some itchy itchy Liberal crawling under your skin.
Hi there, that's me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

new blog....still getting my shit together

please have patience...we shall see what comes out of this.
